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sábado, 2 de janeiro de 2016
Para quê perder tempo a medir QI
É assim que os seres humanos inteligentes vêem o futebol e em torno disto se gasta tempo de conversa,dinheiro,entre outras coisas.
Mas enfim ,é isso mesmo; evolução gradual do ser humano,mas o que é preocupante é que estamos a regredir na evolução mental e avançar com demasiada velocidade na tecnologia,mas Deus lá sabe a razão.
sábado, 7 de novembro de 2015
The Complete Guide to Wiring 4th Edition – DVDRip Tutorial + eBook
In previous editions, The Complete Guide to Home Wiring sold more than one million copies, making it the all-time bestselling book on home wiring for consumers. In this newly revised and redesigned edition, the book includes everything that made the original the favorite of American homeowners, but also adds new projects, such as wiring a shed or gazebo, and includes important revisions to meet the National Electrical Code.
terça-feira, 20 de outubro de 2015
Enciclopedia del tecnico en electronica (CEAC) – 5 Tomos (2015)
O CEAC editorial passa a ser um especialista em livros técnicos. Desta vez, ela criou uma mini enciclopédia para quem gosta de eletrônica, em cinco volumes, é o seguinte:
Tomo 1 .- Componentes electrónicos para audio e imagen.
Tomo 2 .- Radio AM y FM
Tomo 3 .- Televisión (sistema PAL color)
Tomo 4 .- Vídeo VHS
Tomo 5 .- Televisión digital y por satélite
Aqui fica alguns livrinhos dedicados a todos os técnicos desta profissão que está também em vias de extinção ...
Será ciência ou arte
Código: [Seleccione]
Código: [Seleccione]
segunda-feira, 12 de outubro de 2015
sábado, 3 de outubro de 2015
An Engineers Guide to Mathematica
An Engineer’s Guide to Mathematica enables the reader to attain the skills to create Mathematica 9 programs that solve a wide range of engineering problems and that display the results with annotated graphics. This book can be used to learn Mathematica, as a companion to engineering texts, and also as a reference for obtaining numerical and symbolic solutions to a wide range of engineering topics. The material is presented in an engineering context and the creation of interactive graphics is emphasized. The first part of the book introduces Mathematica’s syntax and commands useful in solving engineering problems. Tables are used extensively to illustrate families of commands and the effects that different options have on their output. From these tables, one can easily determine which options will satisfy one’s current needs.
sexta-feira, 2 de outubro de 2015
Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 19th Edition (Vol.1 & Vol.2)
Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine is an American textbook of internal medicine. First published in 1950, it is in its 19th edition (published in April 2015 by McGraw-Hill Professional ISBN 978-0071802154) and comes in two volumes. Although it is aimed at all members of the medical profession, it is mainly used by internists and junior doctors in this field, as well as medical students. It is widely regarded as one of the most authoritative books on internal medicine and has been described as the "most recognized book in all of medicine."
The work is named after Tinsley R. Harrison of Birmingham, Alabama, who served as editor-in-chief of the first five editions and established the format of the work: a strong basis of clinical medicine interwoven with an understanding of pathophysiology.
Through six decades, no resource has matched the authority, esteemed scholarship, and scientific rigor of Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine. Capturing the countless advances and developments across the full span of medicine, the new 19th edition of Harrison’s provides a complete update of essential content related to disease pathogenesis, clinical trials, current diagnostic methods and imaging approaches, evidence-based practice guidelines, and established and newly approved treatment methods.
Here are just a few of the outstanding features of the new Nineteenth Edition:
Presented in two volumes: Volume 1 is devoted to foundational principles, cardinal manifestations of disease and approach to differential diagnosis; Volume 2 covers disease pathogenesis and treatment
NEW chapters on important topics such as Men’s Health, The Impact of Global Warming on Infectious Diseases, Fatigue, and many more
Critical updates in management and therapeutics in Hepatitis, Coronary Artery Disease, Ebola Virus Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Diabetes, Hypertension, Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism, Acute and Chronic Kidney Disease, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Lipoprotein Disorders, HIV and AIDS, and more.
Increased number of the popular Harrison’s clinical algorithms; clinically relevant radiographic examples spanning hundreds of diseases; clinical-pathological images in full color; crystal clear, full color drawings and illustrations and helpful tables and summary lists that make clinical application of the content faster than ever
Access to outstanding multi-media resources including practical videos demonstrating essential bedside procedures, physical examination techniques, endoscopic findings, cardiovascular findings, and more
Supporting the renowned coverage are supplemental resources that reflect and assist modern medical practice: more than 1,000 full-color photographs to aid visual recognition skills, hundreds of state-of-the-art radiographs, from plain film to 3D CT to PET Scans; beautiful illustrations that bring applied anatomy and processes to life; the renowned Harrison’s patient-care algorithms, essential summary tables, and practical demonstrative videos. In addition, the book’s several digital atlases highlight noninvasive imaging, percutaneous revascularization, gastrointestinal endoscopy, diagnosis and management of vasculitis, and numerous other issues commonly encountered in clinical practice.
Acclaim for Harrison’s:
“Covering nearly every possible topic in the field of medicine, the book begins with a phenomenal overview of clinical medicine, discussing important topics such as global medicine, decision-making in clinical practice, the concepts of disease screening and prevention, as well as the importance of medical disorders in specific groups (e.g. women, surgical patients, end of life). The extensive chapters that follow focus on a symptom-based presentation of disease and then illness organized by organ system. Numerous tables, graphs, and figures add further clarity to the text. The accompanying DVD includes extensive video and image collections of pathology, histology, procedures, additional lectures, and radiology…
…Written by experts in the field, this book is updated with the latest advances in pathophysiology and treatment. It is organized in a way that makes reading from beginning to end a logical journey, yet each chapter can stand alone as a quick reference on a particular topic.
quinta-feira, 1 de outubro de 2015
My 10 Books - July 2015
My 10 Books - July 2015 | 73.13 MB
Uma coleção de 10 livros para este mês. 6 PDFs e 4 ePUBs:
01. Afterlife Healing Circle - How Anyone Can Contact the Other Side by Candace L. Talmadge and Jana L. Simons
02. Complete Revision Notes for Medical and Surgical Finals (2nd Ed) by Kinesh Patel
03. History of Art (Essentiallibrary of Cultural History) by Laura Perdew
04. Katy Perry - Chart-Topping Superstar by Lisa Owings
05. Lost American Antiquities - A Hidden History by S. Edgar Smoot
06. Medical Biotechnology by Bernard R. Glick, Terry L. Delovitch, Cheryl L. Patten
07. Psychodynamics for Consultants and Managers - From Understanding to Leading Meaningful Change by Leopold Vansina and Marie-Jeanne Vansina-Cobbaert
08. The Editor's Companion - An Indispensable Guide to Editing Books, Magazines, Online Publications, and More by Steve Dunham
09. The Snowden Files - The Inside Story of the World's Most Wanted Man by Luke Harding
10. Totality - Eclipses of the Sun (3rd Ed) by Mark Littmann, Fred Espenak, Ken Willcox
sexta-feira, 25 de setembro de 2015
Técnicas básicas de enfermería (2008)
Desde o início dos tempos, a humanidade sofreu com a doença e isso levou-o a procurar o remédio através de várias figuras que administraram soluções para recuperar a saúde.
No início eram os curandeiros, xamãs e feiticeiros que eram responsável por este trabalho. Eles eram uma mistura de curandeiros, magos e sacerdotes, que lidava principalmente com a cura de feridas e lesões traumáticas "reparar" uso de plantas medicinais, detenções rudimentares e invocação de espíritos. Com o avanço dos conhecimentos científicos e técnicos, nasce a figura do médico, responsável por diagnosticar a origem do mal e prescrever remédios para diversas doenças.
Por outro lado, desde que o primeiro surge a figura da pessoa que administra o cuidado, de base que seriam derivada de duas profissões que actualmente se complementam para alcançar o bem-estar do nosso povo, tanto o saudável e o doente: lael enfermerao (devido) e (acordado) lael auxiliar de enfermagem.
Unidad 1. Salud y enfermedad. El auxiliar de enfermería
Unidad 2. Células y tejidos
Unidad 3. Higiene y aseo del paciente
Unidad 4. Sistema osteo-muscular
Unidad 5. Úlceras por presión (UPP)
Unidad 6. Aparato cardiorrespiratorio
Unidad 7. Las constantes vitales
Unidad 8. Hojas de registro. Gráficas de hospitalización
Unidad 9. Cuidados respiratorios
Unidad 10. Aparato urinario
Unidad 11. Aparato digestivo
Unidad 12. Alimentación y dietética
Unidad 13. Aparato genital masculino y femenino
Unidad 14. Cuidados del recién nacido
Unidad 15. El anciano
Unidad 16. El paciente terminal
Unidad 17. Procedimientos diagnósticos
Unidad 18. Cuidados al paciente quirúrgico
Unidad 19. Terapéutica farmacéutica
Unidad 20. Termoterapia, crioterapia e hidroterapia
Unidad 21. Primeros auxilios
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